🔥🔥🔥🥋 2024 New Student Promotion: 3 Free Trial classes for students new to BJJ! New classes available at 7am, 1pm, 6pm, 7pm, and 8pm. Schedule Today and learn more about our 2024 recruitment promotions.

NYC Striking, Muay Thai, and Boxing at 10AM in Queens with Coach Sumba.

Unleash Your Potential: Master the Art of Striking, Self-Defense, and More with Coach Sumba

Are you on a quest to achieve peak fitness and gain the skills to defend yourself effectively? In a world where many adults lack knowledge of self-defense techniques, Coach Sumba, in partnership with the Rocian Gracie team, stands ready to revolutionize your approach. By imparting invaluable techniques, fostering the right mindset, and instilling discipline, we empower you to safeguard yourself confidently.

  • Learn striking techniques in boxing, Muay Thai, and MMA with Coach Sumba.
  • Beginner-friendly class suitable for all skill levels.
  • Classes held at 10am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
  • Enjoy a fun and energetic morning session.
  • Sweat it out and relieve stress while improving your self-defense skills.
  • Coach Sumba will help you become a more confident fighter.
Striking, Muay Thai, MMA, Boxing with Coach Sumba - team
Striking, Muay Thai, MMA, Boxing with Coach Sumba – team

Coach Sumba – Muay Thai, Boxing, BJJ, MMA

Harnessing a rich background spanning over 5 years in disciplines such as MMA, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do, and BJJ, Coach Sumba is a repository of wisdom. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or an aspiring warrior, his philosophy underscores the paramount importance of refining technique and enhancing conditioning.

  1. Personal Safety: Self-defense striking equips you with the skills to protect yourself from potential threats and attackers, enhancing your overall safety in various situations.
  2. Confidence Boost: Learning striking techniques boosts your self-confidence, making you feel more capable and empowered to handle challenging circumstances.
  3. Physical Fitness: Engaging in self-defense striking improves your cardiovascular fitness, strength, coordination, and flexibility, contributing to your overall health and well-being.
  4. Stress Relief: Practicing striking allows you to channel stress and negative energy into focused movements, promoting relaxation and mental clarity.
  5. Awareness and Prevention: Studying striking techniques enhances your awareness of potential dangers, enabling you to identify and avoid risky situations whenever possible.
Rocian Gracie BJJ schedule 2023

Benefits of Striking and Conditioning

  1. Enhanced Cardiovascular Fitness: Striking training involves rigorous cardiovascular exercises that elevate heart rate and improve blood circulation. Regular practice helps strengthen the heart and lungs, enhancing overall cardiovascular health.
  2. Improved Strength and Muscle Tone: The explosive movements and resistance training inherent in striking disciplines develop muscular strength and tone. Engaging various muscle groups during punches, kicks, and defensive techniques contributes to a well-balanced physique.
  3. Increased Endurance: Boxing and Muay Thai require sustained energy output, which progressively builds endurance over time. This endurance training not only enhances athletic performance but also boosts daily stamina.
  4. Effective Weight Management: The intense workouts associated with striking disciplines can burn a significant number of calories. This aids in weight loss or maintenance, as well as in promoting a healthy metabolism.
  5. Enhanced Coordination and Balance: Precise execution of strikes demands coordinated movement and balance. Regular training improves hand-eye coordination, footwork, and overall body control.
Rocian Gracie Jr. Bjj - podium - night
Rocian Gracie Jr. Bjj – podium – night

Beginner friendly MMA

From novices stepping onto the mat for the first time to seasoned fighters, Coach Sumba’s expertise in martial arts promises not only an exhilarating workout but also a remarkable enhancement of technique and muscle memory with every session.

Striking, Muay Thai, MMA, Boxing with Coach Sumba - kicking
Striking, Muay Thai, MMA, Boxing with Coach Sumba – kicking

New Program

In this exciting new chapter, as our program unfolds, we cater to an audience of absolute beginners. This is the perfect opportunity for anyone to embark on a journey of growth alongside our dedicated team.

Woodside Boxing & Muay Thai

Anticipate engaging warm-up drills, invigorating conditioning exercises, high-repetition striking practice, focused technique refinement, and stimulating sparring sessions, which culminate every week on Fridays. The electrifying experience of honing striking skills, acquiring knowledge, fostering personal growth, and sharing sweat-soaked camaraderie with fellow participants is truly unparalleled.

Today, you can delve into the world of Muay Thai, boxing, self-defense, and MMA techniques under the guidance of Coach Sumba.

Striking, Muay Thai, MMA, Boxing with Coach Sumba - team
Striking, Muay Thai, MMA, Boxing with Coach Sumba – team

Benefits of Boxing and Muay Thai

  1. Stress Relief: The physical exertion and mental focus required during training act as a natural stress reliever. The release of endorphins helps elevate mood and reduce stress and anxiety.
  2. Increased Flexibility: The dynamic movements and stretches in striking arts enhance flexibility and range of motion. This contributes to better joint health and reduces the risk of injuries.
  3. Heightened Mental Focus: Learning techniques, combinations, and defensive maneuvers sharpens mental focus and concentration. The need to strategize during training also enhances cognitive skills.
  4. Self-Discipline and Confidence: The journey in mastering striking arts instills self-discipline, as consistent practice is essential for improvement. Achieving new skills and goals boosts self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
  5. Self-Defense Skills: Learning striking techniques equips you with practical self-defense skills. The ability to protect oneself builds a sense of empowerment and personal safety.
  6. Social Interaction: Engaging in group classes or training sessions promotes social interaction, camaraderie, and a supportive community. These connections contribute positively to mental well-being.
  7. Increased Body Awareness: Striking arts require a keen understanding of body mechanics. This heightened body awareness translates to improved posture and a reduced risk of injury in everyday activities.
Striking, Muay Thai, MMA, Boxing with Coach Sumba - warm up
Striking, Muay Thai, MMA, Boxing with Coach Sumba – warm up

Free trial class!

Our doors are open to participants of all levels, ensuring an inclusive atmosphere that caters to individual needs. Classes commence at 10 AM every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, offering a flexible schedule to accommodate diverse routines. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to discover more about our early morning program – an opportunity to seize your potential. We eagerly await your presence on the mats!

Marlon Colorado BJJ NYC

Rocian Gracie Jr. BJJ Black Belt

The Rocian Gracie Jr. system helps you learn more than 300 moves to get a black belt. It teaches you things like how to take someone down, pass their guard, keep control, attack from the back, sweep them, switch positions, get away from bad situations, defend yourself, and much more.

  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Follow the Rocian Gracie Jr. blueprint to navigate the journey to black belt with ease, especially designed for beginners and self-defense.
  • Personalized Learning: Move at your own pace through our system, ensuring that learning is both manageable and efficient for beginners.
  • Rich Learning Materials: Gain access to detailed videos, a comprehensive book curriculum, and a supportive community focused on self-defense techniques.
  • Consistent Practice: Engage in daily practice sessions where everyone, including beginners, practices the same moves, fostering improvement over time.
  • Gradual Improvement: Focus on mastering one technique each day, allowing beginners to steadily progress and refine their self-defense skills.